Commitment: Why? How?

Whether it is financial, in the form of equipment, or in expertise, your donation contributes to the realization of an electrification project.

3 good reasons (at least) to commit

1. Because more than a billion people live without electricity in the world and because the question of energy is central in the fight against the major problems of our society: poverty, conflicts, unwanted migration, climate change

Être privé d’accès à l’énergie c’est notamment être:- Privé de perspectives de développement économique et social : le travail manuel en plus d’être chronophage et éprouvant n’est pas compétitif

– Privé d’éducation performante : l’enseignement se fait sans moyens techniques (éclairage des salles de classe, ordinateurs/photocopieurs, moyens modernes de communication, etc.) dans des conditions difficiles (froid ou chaleur), les élèves doivent étudier à la bougie

– Privé de soins médicaux : Un dispensaire sans électricité, c’est un dispensaire sans matériel médical technique, l’impossibilité de conserver vaccins et médicaments ou d’opérer efficacement à la nuit tombée

– Dépendant d’un approvisionnement cher et intermittent en énergies fossiles pour alimenter groupes électrogènes  et véhicules indispensables pour bénéficier de services impossible à développer localement

2. Because the development of our countries of intervention will only be sustainable for humanity through the use of renewable resources and because the issue of energy is central to the environment

S’il est essentiel d’agir au niveau local sur la transition écologique de nos modèles de sociétés industrialisées, il est urgent de penser au niveau global en participant à un modèle énergétique et de développement respectueux de l’humain et de la planète

3. Because companies from the renewable energies’ sector are, of course, in a position to participate to these challenges’ answers and to collectively take responsibility for these issues

3 ways (at least) to get involved

As a company from the renewable energies’ sector, you can push energy’s access in the world by supporting sustainable electrification projects.

1. You can support Synergie Solaire’s projects in different ways:

  1. Financial sponsorship: it co-finances the projects implemented by competent NGOs, accompanied by Synergie Solaire with assessed social, economic and environmental impacts.
  2. In-kind sponsorship: this is a donation of qualitative equipment adapted to the electrification projects’ technical needs which contributes to their sustainability.
  3. Skills sponsorship: it allows electrification projects to benefit from the expertise of the companies from the renewable energies’ sector to maximize the projects’ performance.

These donations are deductible from your taxes up to 60% (this percentage may change according to the tax system of your country) of their value (amount of the donation / financial value of the equipment / charged salary). This tax deduction is limitedto 0.5% of your turnover (ex VAT). The reduction can be carried forward to 5 financial years*.

100% of donations are allocated to projects, the operating costs of Synergie Solaire are covered by the founding sponsors.

2. From a certain level of financial commitment, the company can be actively involved in the fund’s life and in its partners’ network partner.

3. Under certain conditions, your company can choose to sponsor a specific project to select in the “on-going projects to support” section on the Synergie Solaire’s website.


*For donations made during the financial years ended as from the 31th of December 2019, companies will be able to choose, with regard to the annual payment threshold, between the current limit of 0.5% of their turnover and a new limit of €10,000, if the latter is more attractive. In practice, this measure is aimed at VSEs and SMEs.

A whole sector in action

BCLP logo
BPI France
Energie Lega logo
Finergreen 500X500
Tenergie 200×200