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Access to energy is the prerequisite for any development. Putting electricity where there is none means directly improving access to education, health and economic development. Using renewable resources means guaranteeing access to sustainable energy for the population.
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Solar electrification of 9 schools and a boarding school in an agricultural college
Amitié Franco-Afghane

Allocation of a solar lamp rental and collective charging kiosk to a women’s group
Energie Pour Tous

Development of the solar network

Distribution of solar cookers and drying kit to communities of small agricultural producers
Bolivia Inti Sud Soleil
Burkina Faso

Solar electrification of Werou’s town health center
Electriciens Sans Frontières
Burkina Faso

Electrification of the new Boromo high school and the Ouroubonon school by a wind and solar energy mix
Lumière Pour Tous
Burkina Faso

Solar and wind electrification of schools
Lumière pour tous
Burkina Faso

Solar training center for women and electrification of their villages
Barefoot College
Burkina Faso

Solar electrification of collective buildings

Solar electrification of water purification factories
1001 Fontaines

Electrification of a school complex
Bayon School

Collection and recycling of solar systems outside of defective networks (complete treatment, reconditioning…)
Solidarité Technologique