Mali - Construction and electrification of a maternity

- Selected project
- In progress
- Realized
The project of the NGO Un Enfant par la Main aims to construct a maternity in the village of Sougoubili in Mali. This maternity will be equiped and electrified with solar energy. It will welcome pregnant women and it will improve the quality of the medical attention. On the long-term, the project aims to reduce infant’s mortality rate and improve medical attention of the new-borns.
"The solar panel and the refrigerator helped in many ways. Before this we had a lot of problems to conserve medicine and we were only able to vaccinate people every 2 years.
Thanks to the electrification of every room the maternity can work better.
I would use a torch during the night to give medical attention to women which isn't the best condition to work."
Aminata Diarra, sage-femme, Mali